Ear Care & Hearing Protection


Protect Your Hearing


At Auricle, prevention is critical to protecting your hearing. While sounds are a part of our everyday life, exposure to high-volume sounds can cause damage to your hearing. That's why it's essential to take precautions and protect your ears before it's too late.

To start, it's essential to understand how sounds are measured. Sounds are measured in decibels (dB), with a whisper around 30dB and a normal conversation measuring 60-65 dB. Louder sounds, such as a subway train or city traffic, register around 80-95dB, which is when you should start taking precautions. Sustained exposure to sounds beyond 90-95dB may result in hearing loss, while even short exposure to sounds over 125dB can cause permanent damage.


Here are some tips to help you protect your hearing:


1. Turn it down: Keep the volume below the halfway mark when listening to music, especially if using earphones. It's also wise not to use an MP3 player or other audio device for more than four hours daily.


2. Play it safe: If you work around loud noises, make sure you're wearing proper protection. OSHA requires ear protection in most noisy environments, so use it even if you're not regularly in loud areas. Remember to be safe at home, too. Invest in ear protectors when using power tools and lawn equipment.


3. Choose wisely: You can make active choices about the sound level in your home by choosing low-noise appliances. Refrigerators, air conditioners, etc., may have dB ratings you can compare before you buy.


4. Stand back and take cover: While you can't avoid every loud noise, you can do your part to stay safe. Step back from a source like an amplifier or subway. Cover your ears when walking past construction work. Cupping your hands over your ears or gently putting your fingers in your ear canals can make a healthy difference to your long-term hearing.


At Auricle, we offer a range of ear care services to help you protect your hearing. Our experienced audiologists can provide personalized advice and solutions to help you safeguard your ears and maintain your hearing health. Contact us today to learn more.

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